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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happy New Year 2016


On this day fifteen years ago my wife and I welcomed our daughter into this world. It became clear to me immediately upon holding her for the first time that my life would be forever changed. Up until then I had loved, I had cared, I had connection with family and friends, but never to the level which I soared to instantly when her big eyes looked up at me. Over time I have learned that she is made in the image of my wife and I in many ways. Reflections of us, but unique in her own right.

As we wind down 2015 and look forward to 2016, my thoughts turn to our heavenly father. What joy and love and passion he must have to see us, his children, look to him and connect on a deep and spiritual level. We are made in his image, reflections of Him, just as my daughter is a mirror of her parents' traits. But which traits? My wife is a joker. She loves silliness and laughter. She loves cuddling and physical connection. I tend to be more serious, and my humor is dry at times, and I feel just as connected sitting on separate couches as she does sharing the same recliner. My daughter is more like me. She and I will watch movies alone on individual couches, while my wife and our son share a seat.

With our heavenly father we have many traits and characteristics to mimic. He has made us all unique and special. In 2016 I am challenging myself, and others via this blog, to consider which character traits of God will you choose to show this year? Maybe select a top three or top five or if you are ambitious, perhaps you want to pursue a top ten. I will share with you my top three in hopes to inspire your thoughts and start the process:

1. Creativity

In Genesis chapter 1 we read that "God made". He made everything. He was creative. From the beginning God demonstrated that he is expressive in his thoughts and creation. Black and white are sufficient to give a universe definition, but God chose seven base colors (ROYGBIV) as a palette to work from. With these seven colors he allows an endless variety of shades and nuances.  He gives us blue skies and a yellow sun. He made green grass and trees, and a completely different green for the ocean. He is a creative God, and in 2016 I will seek to reflect this.

 2. Loving

John 3:16 famously tells us the "God so loved". The letters by John known as 1, 2nd, and 3rd  John expand on this theme of love, and goes so far as to tell us "God is love". Perhaps this is a given for some. Perhaps you are a person who naturally loves, cares, or nurtures. The challenge for me is not that I fail to love, I fail to love people too often in a way in which they need to be loved. In John 3:16, we read that he loved us so much that God gave us what we needed most: His son. Why? To provide a way for us from everlasting punishment and into eternal life. This year I will strive to love others as they need to be loved. This may be a kind word, a card in the mail, a physical help with a project, or it may mean shared scripture and biblical discipline. The challenge is knowing who needs what. For this, I will seek God's direction. After all, He is love.

3. Consistent

 Jesus was and is our example of how humans should live. Many things can be learned by his life, but perhaps one of the more difficult traits is found in Hebrews 13:8, which tells us that he is "the same yesterday, today, and forever". Jesus, like his Father, has remained the steadfast same since the beginning. Too often we complain in a sporting event because the officials seem to call certain actions as fouls for one team but not the other (usually this is an issue if the fouls are called on our team). But God the Father and Jesus the Son are not like this. In our lives, or at least in mine, it is an exercise in endurance to remain steadfast in convictions, faith, and godly habits. I cannot consider the full 366 days of 2016 (there is a leap day) as my goal. That is too much. I will focus on today. On this hour. In this minute. In this second. It is in the now that I will strive to be consistent.

So what are your top traits for 2016? Which ones will you be asking yourself and perhaps others to join you for accountability? The beauty of the birth of a new year is the ability to start fresh. To mark off this past year's failures and shortcomings as experience, not an expectation. Learn from 2015, but live in the new year!

May God bless you and keep you in 2016!  

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