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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Small But Mighty - Seven Letters To Seven Churches

"To The Church Of Sardis - Revelation 3:1-6"

Identity of Jesus

(v.1) He who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.

In Isaiah 11:2 we read where there are six characteristics to the spirit of God: wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and fear or awe for the LORD. We learn the seventh trait of the Spirit of God in Acts 9:31 - comfort. Jesus is revealing to this church that is so self sufficient that it is He which gives these things that are so important to life. Who among us would not want more wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and comfort? Jesus is offering himself and these traits to the church of Sardis and to us today.


None. One of two churches that nothing good is said for them.


(v.2) I know your deed - you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.

Jesus had a similar complaint of the Jewish leaders while he was teaching in the temple one day he commented  that they were "like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside were full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean." (Matthew 23:27) It is easy in today's culture to look at churches with growing numbers, big campuses and believe they are alive. Many are! But we must be careful to think of activity as life. Many people and many churches are all about good works, but fail to be doing Godly ones. Spiritual maturity is the goal. Jesus warns in John 15 that God the Father will prune his vineyard of dead branches. We must be connected to our sustainer Jesus if we are to be found alive!

You may know (or may be) a person who is active. Always on the go. I knew a man like that once. I asked him to mentor me because I believed he was doing great things in his life and in the church. After awhile, I realized he was constantly busy, starting new things, but never seeing them to fruition. In the end, I concluded that he had the appearance of fruit, but in the end was just showing the blooms with no harvest. Kinda like the fig tree Jesus cursed in Mark 11.

Consequences and Comments

(v.3) Remember what you have received and heard - obey it and repent! Wake up!

The people of Sardis had received the message and teachings of Jesus. Jesus told his followers in John 6:63 that "the Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you - they are full of Spirit and life." The church of Sardis and we today have the words of Christ which gives life! This treasure is sufficient for us to obey and know what is good and beneficial.

Jesus also Admonishes the people of Sardis to "wake up!" We need to be alert, not ignoring the details of our walk. Too many people are asleep spiritually. They are walking through life with their eyes shut to spiritual matters. I believe Jesus is asking us to "Rise and shine" and see the world around us through his eyes.


(vs.4-5) Some have not soiled their clothes, he who walks like them will be dressed in white and Jesus will not blot their name from the Book of Life, but acknowledge their name before all of heaven.

Throughout the Old and New Testament the image of white clothes represents the righteousness of that person. Jesus is telling telling the church that if we walk with Jesus - not soiling our clothes - we will be seen as white with righteousness. If we are faithful and overcome we will be sure to have our name recorded forever in the Book of Life. IT is important to note that Revelation 20:15 tells us that if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire along with Death, Satan, and Hell. There in the Lake they will be eternally punished. Jesus is offering to those who do not corrupt themselves and remain righteous to have their names in the Book.


God has given us the Spirit which brings all that is needed for life. We can face the trials and tribulations of this world and remain white with righteousness through the blood of the Lamb and our testimony (Revelation 12:11). The blood of the Lamb allows us to be forgiven, which is the greatest testimony! In fact, it is the ONLY testimony we have.