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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Small But Mighty - Seven Letters To Seven Churches

"Letter to Thyatira - Revelation 2:18-19"

Identity of Jesus:

(v.18) Eyes like blazing fire, feet like burnished bronze.

Jesus is seen in Revelation Chapter 1 in his appearance to John as having eyes that are ablaze. In Matthew 6:22 we read that the eyes are the lamp to the body, if they are good, then the body or soul will be too. This verse gives rise to the expression that the eyes are the window to the soul. When we read that Jesus has eyes that are like blazing fire, we are seeing into his soul - what he is truly like. That fire can be a symbol of God's presence (Exodus 3 & 13; Acts 2; Revelation 22). The flame of eternal light can be a comfort. It can also be a refining fire (Malachi 3:3; 1 Corinthians 3:13; 1 Peter 1:7). A third view of this blazing flame is a form of judgement (Genesis 19; Numbers 11; 2 Kings 1).

His feet are representative of a strong foundation (Psalm 40:2; 119:105; Ephesians 6:15). Where are feet are planted determines in a great way what we stand for.  And those feet are like white hot bronze. In Numbers 21 we see where God uses bronze to symbolize sin and redemption from sin. In John 3:15 Jesus uses this image and compares himself to serpent raised up so that men may be saved. It is interesting that he uses bronze. Unlike gold or silver, this metal is a mix of other metals forged to make a new one. In the same way, the mixture of Christ's perfection and our imperfection form a new existence incapable for us independent of Jesus!


(v.19) Jesus knows their deeds: love, faith, service, perseverance, and growing maturity.

Thyatira was known for having numerous skill trades. They were people of action. Jesus recognizes that they have used the natural skills and abilities to promote love and community with each other and with God. Lydia in Acts 16 is an example of a Thyatiran convert who took action and helped Paul. Her story demonstrates that many were men and women of financial means and fortitude to take action when it was called for.


(v.20) The church tolerates the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess.

This woman, whether she is actually name Jezebel or simply exhibited the spirit of Jezebel, was apparently leading the believers in sexual immorality and eating food sacrificed to idols. This is the second time Jesus has specifically mentioned the problem of sexual immorality and consumption of food offered to idols. If Jesus things a topic is important to mention twice, perhaps we should take a look into that practice.

In the letter to Pergamum, we read about those who followed the teaching of Balaam - participating in sexual misconduct and eating unclean food. In the first century Roman Empire, it was not uncommon to find pagan temples holding great feasts which would include all sorts of sacrificial food offerings as well as a buffet of sexual pleasures. These issues were the topic of the Council of Jerusalem recorded in Acts 15. There they decided to advise Christians to not eat of food offered to idols. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 8 & 10 argues that food is food - neither moral or immoral. He urges believers to not eat if doing so would corrupt or discourage your fellow believer. As for the pleasure buffet, there are numerous scripture which tells us that we were once slaves to the flesh, but we are now its master! We once were idolaters and fornicators, but with Jesus - we are no longer those things!

As for Jezebel; the Old Testament records that Israel had a king who did more evil than all the kings before him (1 Kings 16). He was wicked in part because he was "urged on by his wife Jezebel". She was a negative influence on the king and the kingdom. She promoted pagan idol worship, and actively pursued the prophets of God to kill and punish them. This woman in Thyatira apparently had the same effect on the believers gathered in the local church: corruption and leading to evil.

Consequences and Comments: 

(vs.21-25) Jezebel and her followers would be given a chance to repent. If they did not, then they would face great suffering.

Jesus tells us in John 3:17 that he did not come to condemn the world, but to save it. Even with this wicked woman and her followers, Jesus extends a gift of grace if they are willing to accept it. He tells them (and us) that he searches the hearts and minds of men and will repay each for their deeds. And Jesus warns not to listen to Jezebel's promises to teach us the so called deep secrets of Satan. What is Satan's deep secret? Well, it's not so deep or secret: it is the fact that he seeks to replace God on the throne. It is his singular ambition, started before the fall of man (Isaiah 14:13-15) and perpetuated to mankind by tempting Eve to "know what God knows" in Genesis 3. He tries to offer us something we think we cannot have if we follow God and obey him. It is in fact only a lie! He offers nothing.


(v.26) To the one who overcomes and does the will of Christ - he will give authority over nations.

In Psalm 2:1-11 we read about God's promise to give his Anointed One all the nations of the earth as an inheritance. This promise to Christ is a promise to us as well, if we reside in Christ as a believer. BUT, we should not take comfort in this! We are destined to rule along with Christ, but that is not what is important. In addressing the issue of success to his disciples, Jesus explains in Luke 10:17-20 that we should not rejoice over all the amazing things they can do in the name of Jesus, but instead we should be rejoicing in the fact that their name is written in book of life in heaven.

Takeaway from this letter:

1. The eyes of Christ see all - they can be either a refining fire of salvation or the fire of judgement.

2. Beware of false teachers within the church which seek to pervert believers by introducing non-biblical worship.

3. Beware of teachers that offer "deep truths" about God that are not biblically based.

4. Be faithful to Jesus - he is all you need!

1 comment:

  1. "The eyes are the window to the soul. " How true I have found this to be in working with people as a mental health therapist. "Be faithful to Jesus - he is all you need!" Amen! The sermon this past week was wonderful! I am really enjoying learning more about the seven churches. It deepens my understanding of the letters to the churches in the Bible. The audio available are wonderful to catch up if you miss church. I have read the whole Bible several times, and when I finish, I start at the beginning again. It seems to speak to situations in my life every time. The Bible is not just "The Good Book", it is "The Best Book ever written" Praise God!
